Sunday, December 8, 2024

NZ albums of 2017

This second album from Six60 simply refused to leave the NZ charts until very recently when RIANZ finally put a cap on their main charts to entries that are over eighteen months old, if they didn't do that then the first dozen or so entries would chart for the rest of time over there.

Peak position #1x3

Hit singles

Special #1
So high #10
White lines #5

This is another example of an album that needed to be disqualified from RIANZ's main charts in order to finally stop charting over there, it only comes in second place due to being released more recently than the top spot otherwise this easily would've been the biggest album of the decade over there.

Peak position #1x36

Hit singles

Shape of you #1
Castle on the hill #2
Drive #4
Galway girl #3
How would you feel #6
Supermarket flowers #16
Perfect #1
Happier #11

This also recharted several times on the NZ charts like it did over here in Australia, again it's finally been barred from charting over there due to new rules RIANZ introduced to prevent these albums from forever clogging their charts.

Peak position #1x13

Hit singles

Sing #1
Don't #6
Thinking out loud #1
Make it rain #23
Bloodstream #2
Photograph #8

This E.P from Six60 was so popular that it too only stopped charting due to it being disqualified from doing so from this year onwards, this is quite impressive due to it not even being a full album as we're thankfully running out of entries that had this feat on this list.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Don't give it up #4
Rivers #32
Closer #14
Rolling stone #20
Vibes #9
Up there #37

Adele truly ruled the mainstream this decade with NZ being no exception to this, naturally this album was equally as popular over there as it was throughout the rest of the world.

Peak position #1x38

Hit singles

Rolling in the deep #3
Someone like you #1
Set fire to the rain #8

The kiwis certainly loved Adele this decade (and continue to do so to this day if her latest album is anything to go by) so there's little surprise that both of her albums would appear high on this list.

Peak position #1x15

Hit singles

Hello #1
When we were young #23
Send my love #4
Water under the bridge #15

I guess the kiwis were more on board with Sam Smith than we Aussies were initially given how much more popular their debut album was over there compared to what it was over here. This is especially true for the singles which saw much more success even without factoring in streaming.

Peak position #1x8

Hit singles

Money on the mind #12
Stay with me #1
I'm not the only one #3
Like I can #19
Lay me down #2

I guess the kiwis were more willing to allow JB to have his redemption ark with this album than we Aussies did given that this is the first album on this list to be considerably more successful over there than it was over here as opposed to the mere slightly improvements some of the previous entries enjoyed over there.

Peak position #1x1

Hit singles

Where are u now #3
What do you mean #1
Sorry #1
I'll show you #5
Love yourself #1

Well at least I can say this debut album from Post Malone did find more success in NZ than it did here in Australia, although the way it found success over there was identical to how it became a hit over here.

Peak position #3

Hit singles

Congratulations #21
I fall apart #1

While it wasn't as big in NZ as his previous two entries, the fact this saw a huge improvement in this ranking should tell you that the kiwis love for Bruno was far more palpable than the love we Aussies had for him this decade.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

24k magic #1
Versace on the floor #27
That's what I like #4
Finesse #2

While this was more popular in NZ than it was here in Australia, I was honestly expecting it to be near the top of this list given how Kendrick Lamar seemed to be unavoidable throughout the rest of the world with this album of his.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Humble #1
DNA #5
Loyalty #15

This was equally as popular in NZ as it was here in Australia, I guess this was because the film is a love letter to Polynesian culture which the kiwis greatly appreciated to allow it to compete with albums over there in a way most soundtracks that were less successful on this list couldn't.

Peak position #1x5

Hit singles

How far I'll go #3

While this also briefly charted upon its initial release in NZ before quickly dropping off their charts like it did here in Australia, it appears the kiwis were willing to give these guys a second chance in the spotlight when it took off in their native America which is perhaps why it proved to be so much bigger over there than it was over here.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Stressed out #5
Ride #10

Again, this wasn't going to be as popular in NZ as it was here in Australia given how A: our love for P!nk is much stronger than the kiwis and B: this album was a massive dud on streaming services given how much less successful the singles were over there than they were over here.

Peak position #1x3

Hit singles

What about us #9
Revenge #30

This is another album that was too much of a sleeper hit to make the cut on the Australian equivalent of this list, indeed this had quite a rise to its popularity in NZ given how Khalid was on a tiny indie label when he first released this and thus needed word of mouth in order for its popularity to grow.

Peak position #5

Hit singles

Location #11
Young dumb and broke #1

The kiwis really loved this debut album from Imagine Dragons upon its initial release, so much so that it proved to be far more popular over there than it was over here despite rock and alternative being less accessible over there throughout the decade.

Peak position #3

Hit singles

Believer #21
Thunder #3

Given how streaming had been fully incorporated onto the NZ charts when this album came out, it only makes sense that it would be more successful over there than it was over here given that's where the bulk of its success came from worldwide.

Peak position #1x2

Hit singles

Hotline bling #14
Too good #1
Too good #4
Controlla #27

Well, this isn't a controversial entry at all, in all seriousness, XXXtentacion was a troubled individual who nonetheless appealed to a wide audience and deserved far better than what he got in his short lifetime.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Jocelyn flores #12

I honestly would've been dumbstruck if this album was somehow less popular in NZ than it was here in Australia, indeed this truly lived up to the hype of her earlier entry on this list over there which is far more than I can say for its popularity everywhere else in the world.

Peak position #1x3

Hit singles

Green light #1
Liability #8
Perfect places #11
Homemade dynamite #13
Sober #18

If you're surprised that this failed to appear on the Australian side of my site, that's because the bulk of its success came from streaming which we Aussies hadn't incorporated onto our main charts when it was initially released. The kiwis did which means this final album from Rihanna (as of this writing) managed to be a massive success over there.

Peak position #5

Hit singles

Work #2
Needed me #14
Love on the brain #15

I did mention on the Australian side of this site that this album lingered on the lower half of our charts for a very long time, this is because its popularity worldwide came from streaming services which allowed it to linger on the upper echelons of the NZ charts for far longer and thus appear much higher on this list.

Peak position #5

Hit singles

Starboy #1
I feel it coming #7
Party monster #27

I guess the kiwis didn't find as much love for this album from Taylor Swift as we Aussies did back in the day, although it still retains a fanbase to this day regardless of its bad reputation on the internet.

Peak position #1x2

Hit singles

Look what you made me do #1
Ready for it #9
Gorgeous #19
Call it what you want #34
Delicate #33

I can't overstate how much more love the kiwis had for Sam Smith this decade than we Aussies did, we'll have to wait and see if this will continue to be the case given how they've only recently resurfaced in the mainstream.

Peak position #1x1

Hit singles

Too good at goodbyes #1
Pray #32

This album was instantly hated on the internet when it was first released, so much so that I'm guessing its success in NZ was through ironic streaming given how it was widely mocked by everyone back in the day. Naturally it was only a minor success here in Australia thanks to streaming not counting towards an album's success back then.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

See you again #1
Marvin Gaye #1
One call away #3
We don't talk anymore #8

I was somewhat surprised this made the cut on the Australian side of my site, so you can imagine my shock when I found out this was far more popular in NZ for Rag N Bone man (what a strange stage name) given how folk music really struggled over there throughout the decade.

Peak position #3

Hit singles

Human #11

I think the success of this soundtrack came more from how well received the trailers were rather than people's love for the film, it has a fanbase of course (with me being a part of it) however it was panned by critics and often considered one of the worst films of the decade by the internet.

Peak position #1x5

Hit singles

Heathens #2
Sucker for pain #5

This was marketed as a playlist upon its initial release due to it being released exclusively on streaming platforms, as such, it's raised the plausible theory that Drake has been buying his success since 2016 when he broke records on Spotify with his hit single "One dance."

Peak position #3

Hit singles

Passionfruit #2
Portland #38

This was far less popular in NZ than it was here in Australia, I'm guessing because the kiwis weren't as big a fan of the Dreamworks film as we Aussies were, that or they weren't as impressed with its theme song.

Peak position #4

Hit singles

Can't stop the feeling #2

There was a ton of hype going into this debut album from Zara Larsson given how many advanced singles it spawned prior to its release, it appears that hype wasn't really met as this was a huge failure here in Australia and only became a success in NZ due to it gaining their streaming charts over there.

Peak position #9

Hit singles

Never forget you #6
Lush life #8
Ain't my fault #19
I would like #19
Symphony #12

File this in the category of a NZ artist (or group in this case) finding success in their homeland by appearing on Australian reality TV, although these guys didn't even win in their season and yet they still found success back at home.

Peak position #1x1

I guess the kiwis were far ahead of the curb when it came to making Harry Styles a household name following the demise of 1D than we Aussies were, although it's worth noting the lack of success the singles had there compared to down under.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Sign of the times #6
Sweet creature #39

This was more of a sleeper hit for the Weeknd in NZ than it was here in Australia, although I don't think he minds this being much lower on this list given how the trade-off was that the singles were far more popular over there than they were over here.

Peak position #2

Hit singles

Earned it #7
Can't feel my face #1
The hills #2
In the night #22

This isn't the first greatest hits package to come from Prince Tui Teka posthumously that found success, however it was far more popular for him than his 2002 effort fourteen years after that albums release.

Peak position #1x1

It appears the kiwis were big fans of this album from Sia but not her other album 1000 forms of fear as that album won't be appearing on this side of my site, I guess this was more due to them imagining how these songs would sound if they were successfully recorded by the intended artists.

Peak position #5

Hit singles

Alive #29
Cheap thrills #3
The greatest #5

This will be Calvin Harris's only appearance on these lists given how this album managed to not only produce some of his biggest hits but also be well received outside of the indie sphere that made his earlier work a success for him.

Peak position #3

Hit singles

Slide #7
Rolling #34
Feels #2

I wasn't expecting to feature a Chainsmoker's album (or E.P in this case) on this site, however it appears the kiwis really liked the singles from this release so much that they made it a huge success once it finally dropped.

Peak position #7

Hit singles

Don't let me down #2
Closer #1
All we know #10

This proved to be equally as successful for the Rolling Stones in NZ as it was here in Australia, proving that there was still love for older bands and artists this far into the 21st century.

Peak position #2

You better believe this album comes back every year in NZ like it does everywhere else in the world, again we're going with its original run which suggests that it was far less popular initially over there than it was over here.

Peak position #1x4 (original run)

(will forever continue to rechart during each Christmas season)

This will be the only album from Frank Ocean to appear on this site, mainly because his debut album was too much of a sleeper hit in the southern hemisphere to rack up the points to do so and that this album was only big due to Frank's infamous feud with Chris Brown this decade.

Peak position #1x1

This is the third and final entry to come from Sol Mio, once again proving that the kiwis really did love their local classical music scene even if it meant that their international equivalent didn't receive as much love over there as it did here in Australia.

Peak position #1x4

I told you this third album from the Foo fighters was more popular in NZ than it was here in Australia, not but much mind you, but certainly more so that it's worth pointing out on this list.

Peak position #1x3

This entry really struggled to make an appearance on this list of mine given how quickly it fell off the NZ charts as opposed to it sticking around here in Australia. I guess it's safe to say they benefitted from sales rather than streaming even though you'd swear the opposite would be the case.

Peak position #4

Even though he didn't have a surprise comeback hit this decade like he did in the 90's and 00's, Dave Dobbyn was regardless able to find success with his latest greatest hits package (as of this writing of course) proving how much the kiwis love his back catalogue to this day.

Peak position #2

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