Friday, May 31, 2024

This site's one year anniversary

Hi guys! Can you believe it's been a full year since I launched this site of mine already? OK so I know nobody was here from the start as let's face it, I had a bit of an identity crisis when I originally constructed it which meant that there was no way to have this be picked up by any search engine until I sorted myself out about a month after its creation. I won't reiterate what I had to do to revamp an older and uglier side I had to what this is today but I came across an old backup file I had of that site and suffice to say, I don't even recognise the toxic individual who came up with that site, let alone what mindset they had to be in to write some of the vile shit that was on there.

I guess I should elaborate on who I am now that I know that I'm in this for the long haul (I'm as amazed as you are that I've found a way to keep making new content for as long as I've done.) I'll start with who I am as a person as we're currently in a time where it's becoming increasingly difficult to reveal who you are without a bunch of cancel pigs dogpiling you for not lining up with who you want them to be. While I reserve the right to keep my gender as anonymous on this site as I can allow myself, I can confirm that in addition to being queer (that is, I'm attracted to those in the same sex I was assigned at birth with) I was one of those mindless sheep who fell into the whole nonbinary craze that honestly has gotten out of hand in recent years. Now this isn't me denouncing the identity of anyone reading this as I do respect those who don't identify as a man or a woman, rather I'm on the firm belief that there are only three genders and thus three sets of pronouns (he/him, she/her and the dreaded they/them) and think that any other pronoun is invalid and only exists to rage bait people on the internet. I've also long since distanced myself from the LGBT community as like everyone else, I believe that the people in said community (many of which I question should even be there in the first place as they don't come off as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or non-binary to me) have become some of the most toxic people on the planet and give everyone who SHOULD be in this community a bad name. Rest assured that those people who have also felt alienated by this “community” can comfortably call this website a true safe space as I refuse to tolerate any form of bigotry or harassment on here even if I can agree that many of my "peers" will resort to the very type of violence I'm advocating against in this post.

I guess at some point I'm going to have to talk about the music of the 2020s given how much detail I've gone into for the music of 1975-2019, however, I'm not looking forward to it as in addition to its being completely overrun by some of the vilest people on the planet (it's really sad when Lizzo is among the least contemptuous people in the said industry) I just don't resonate one way or the other with most of the songs that have gotten popular this decade that wasn't originally released in another decade. I've already made my disdain for TikTok and other social media platforms that make the music of today as popular as it is more than clear on this site (you can check out why here) but to elaborate, it has become all about appealing to the lowest common denominator which is a far cry even from the reality show goons of the 00's or the "political correctness" of yesteryear which placed several bands and artists at a huge disadvantage during their heyday. Thankfully I don't have to talk about how films and other media have fallen in despair in recent years as they've arguably suffered a worse fate than what the music industry has, at least the music scene is largely a-political these days as opposed to 2014-2018 where anything leftist instantly shot up the charts (yes I'm aware that America is gravitating towards conservative music, but that's more out of rage bait and thankfully has yet to impact any charts outside of Billboard.)

What made me want to take this first-anniversary post in the direction I'm taking it in is the recent Gamergate 2 which successfully exposed how toxic the gaming industry has been since 2014, to be clear, I'm not one of these "anti-woke" morons who hate diversity by design, rather I'm against people who don't want to be in the gaming industry being antagonistic towards gamers and then using their minority statuses (or in most cases, perceived minority status as again, I don't consider many of these people to be genuinely part of the LGBT community) as shields for criticism against their toxic behaviour. I'm not even sure who's worse, the woman in charge of that consultancy agency who advocates for extortion to allow companies to hire her just so that she can self-insert herself in every game she's hired to consult for (you know the one, I'm not naming the company because they don't deserve any mention on this site) or that journalist who is so deranged that she engages in rage bait just to justify her existence on the internet even after she made a poorly researched article where she admitted to her incompetence as a journalist in said hit piece against a community of gamers boycotting the company run by the self-insert extortionist (again, this individual has no place on this site of mine even in name.) Then there's the film industry, more specifically, Disney. I've never seen a company comprised of so many people that actively despise their affiliation with it spend so much of their resources defending the actions of said individuals, just from an outsider’s perspective it has to be the most toxic company in existence based on the nasty comments made by the individuals working there, let alone the horror stories I've heard about how things work internally. Don't be fooled by their identity politics, these people are sad and miserable and don't even have the courtesy of improving their environments to make their lives just that little bit more worthwhile. Again, this kind of attitude has thankfully died out in the music industry which makes it that much easier for me to talk about on this site (not so much in the YouTube sphere, but then again, that's never really taken off outside of their niche demographic so I'm not too worried.)

The real concerning issue I have with media can be summed up with the second season of Velma, talk about a show that wants nothing more than to make EVERY demographic possible as angry with it as the people who made it are with, well their lives judging by the mean spirited writing of the show which goes after every demographic humanly possible as a way of "being edgy " (whatever that means in this day and age.) This show is the end point of what being needlessly cruel and nihilistic can do to a person as it's clear the people who made it despise the Scooby-Doo franchise and only worked on it due to contractual obligations, made worse by the fact that there’s plenty of people in the industry who would've gladly worked on an edgy take on the human characters of the franchise due to their love of the series. This show also confirms what many people have speculated in recent years, namely that being hateful in media (be it TikTok or streaming services) is lucrative due to how much revenue you'll receive from people negatively reacting to it. I think that explains the negative mindset I had on my older site as I admittedly went down this direction when it came to discussing the music I disliked like I was the nostalgia critic or something (failing to take into account the backlash he received for that awful Pink Floyd review he made.) My only hope is that by this time next year, the show will be lost media as everyone realises that the people behind it only care about prophetic off of people's misery (despite claiming to be anti-capitalists, among many other things that'll get you free money from the right people it seems.) If you haven't seen it, don't watch it as it thrives off of negative attention and is an insult to, well everything in this plane of existence.

What I'm trying to say here is that I'm not like these people who claim to be all about love and positivity but in reality are the very embodiment they claim to rally against, I may think that JK Rowling is wrong with her stance against the trans community, but that doesn't mean I'll stop being a Harry Potter fan just because she has those beliefs (especially when it's understandable where those beliefs came from considering she thinks that those people who claim to be trans to spread their hatred of the world are the same as true trans people who are among the most beautiful and compassionate individuals this world has to offer.) The same goes for the likes of Michael Jackson Elvis Presley or anyone affiliated with Harvey Weinstein, sure I can agree that they did some truly bizarre things that tested the limits of what is socially acceptable at any given point in time, but they made great contributions to the world which is far more than I can say for the "activists" of this world who do nothing but spread their hatred of the world in the name of "social justice." Believe me, these people have deep skeletons in their closets that they want to keep hidden as long as possible before they inevitably come to light in a scandal waiting to happen. Don't give these individuals a second of your time, it's what they want because, at the end of the day, they're attention addicts with nothing to offer other than their tiresome rants about how awful their lives are.

If you've read this far, then you have my respect as my ultimate goal here is to assure you that so long as you don't bring up any of the toxic bullshit I've brought up on this post towards this site, you'll be welcomed with open arms here. Of course, this goes for bullshit peddlers as well as like any sane person, I have little patience for the likes of the Daily Wire or any other "anti-woke" nonsense. But let's face it, those people aren't reading this anyway, so this is more letting people know that of course I don't stand with those individuals either. That's about all I have to say, take care and let's keep this site up for another year!

I'll include some of the media I consider to be harmful to society that you should avoid for the sake of your sanity.

The Daily Wire: a bunch of bullshit peddlers looking to fearmonger normies with their hatred of non-conservatives.

Anything made by Disney post-2019: a collection of bad stories or bad retellings of their classic stories complete with shoddy identity politics (that they made up as no one else in the world has these identities they shove in their media) that seem to only exist to justify the Daily wires bigotry of non-conservatives. Special mention to Wish, She Hulk and the Mulan remake which all serve to destroy the company with their awful stories, cringe attempts at humour and hypocritical messaging.

Velma: a sick, twisted show that only exists to anger those who watch it, at least we've had good reviews of the show from talented online reviewers.

Anything from Soundcloud rappers: your typical rage bait as presented by poorly rapped tracks with terrible production to boot. 6ix9ine is the poster child for this nonsense.

Anything on tik tok: a site that only exists to push content meant to rage bait onlookers, special mention to the fat acceptance movement, the moron promoting neo pronouns based on animals and inanimate objects and that creep who tells their young viewers to keep secrets from their parents while sounding like that creepy old guy from family guy. Speaking of....

Family Guy post-2010: a show that wants to die and goes out of its way to be as offensive as possible so that it can die. Velma's mean-spirited approach to its existence was its way of ending it.

Channel awesome: a bunch of bad-faith reviews made by a guy who's upset he couldn't make it as a credible filmmaker. Yes we all have fond memories of his content, however, it's because of his hatred towards an industry that rejected him that we now have such a nihilistic approach to life over a decade after hire made it big (besides, was he ever that funny outside of "bat credit card" or "the ogre's butt?" Thought not.) while not intentionally hateful, they personify the quantity over the quality mindset that makes smaller content creators such as me struggle to find an audience.

Any game made with a consulting agency: mainly because said agencies do nothing other than insert their identity politics and third grade humour into these games, they also tend to be filled with everything else gamers hate including season passes, loot boxes and pointless grinding. If anything, the bad writing from these companies feels more like a distraction from these other shady practices.

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