Thursday, June 1, 2023

Introduction to my site

Hello there and welcome to my site! On this site, I will be featuring a bunch of lists for some of the biggest singles/albums to ever make it big in Australia and NZ as well as some lighthearted commentary with each entry I choose to feature on each list. While I believe you will be able to quickly get a hold of my music tastes with each entry, this site is meant to be a nice, friendly place for all of my visitors regardless of their taste in music, and as such I reserve the right to ban anyone who I feel will make this site miserable for anyone else.

I guess I should give a little backstory as to who I am to my new viewers, I go by the moniker foxylover92 online and initially got my start on rateyourmusic (you can check out my account here) where I created my listicles which have gotten quite popular over the years. Recently I started posting reviews on the site, although I initially went the youtuber commentator route of posting highly negative reviews which quickly dwindled my goodwill that I had acquired on the site, although fortunately once an administrator pointed out to me how toxic my initial reviews were making me out to be, I deleted them and replaced them with more positive reviews for the music I loved.

Suffice to say this isn't my first attempt at expanding my online presence from the site as I originally had a site just like this which had much more contemptuous commentary akin to an edge lord from the 2010's, needless to say that it was because of this commentary that it was a complete failure as I would allow my emotions towards music I dislike to get the better of me which in turn would push away the select few who would check out my site from time to time. I won't be making that mistake again as given that I made a clean getaway from what I had previously worked on, it means that it will take a long time for me to recreate the site I had in a way that I want to be proud of.

As such I will be making a few rules for my viewers which I expect everyone to follow unless they of course want a permanent ban from yours truly.

1: Respect everyone's opinions in music, I myself failed to do this until very recently which left me bitter and resentful. Trust me, you'll be more well respected if you respect other people's taste in music online than if you don't.

2: NO POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want this site to be as A-political as possible so unless it's relevant to the discussing (IE a song or album was politically charged such as Green day's American idiot) then I don't want to hear anything about world politics.

3: Respect people's identities, I'm a member of the LGBT community and as such value the way people present themselves in life (side note, I've become fed up with how political activists have used my very existence as a way to justify their political beliefs.) I guess you can consider this site an unofficial safe space as I don't want anyone to feel like they're ashamed of who they are during their time on here.

4: Don't harass/slander any musicians, again I made that mistake initially and then wondered why no one was giving me the time of day on the internet (hopefully I can redeem myself in the eyes of those who have been turned off by my previous actions.)

5: Don't compared me to other online reviewers, I've always had this rule since I've been on the internet as comparing myself to others has always made it difficult for me to determine my own taste in music. Admittedly now more than ever I feel this is necessary as I've also unfortunately adapted negative troupes from the online community that not only tanked my initial reputation online but also isn't even an accurate reflection of who I've ever been.

Also, I should note that when I talk about albums on this site, I'm doing so based on the way they affected the culture for Australia and NZ as obviously I don't have the unlimited time and resources to listen to every album I talk about on here. I do give each of them their fair due and admittedly the albums I do enjoy will have me saying more about them then the one's I don't or haven't had much exposure to. Suffice to say I've based my commentary on the big hits from these albums as well as how they've impacted the Australian and NZ music scene.

Well, I feel that's everything I have to cover for this opening site, again I want to create an environment where everyone can feel welcome in discussing music regardless of what their tastes are.

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